First things first!  I messed up the listing for the fiber club something fierce!  It wasn’t until Jo pointed out that there was no listing in the shop that I noticed that I had left it in edit mode for a couple weeks!  SO, I am leaving the fiber club open until Sunday, February 24th.  There are only a few spaces left and the shipments will be shipped out on the 25th, so run over and get your spot now!


Now for something super exciting!  The monthly fiber peek!  I am desperately and deeply in love with this month’s colorway for many reasons.  Thanks to my Dad I have a deep and wonderful appreciation for Art History.  I took it as a minor in college and I love looking at the Great Masters for hours.  I have drawn from them in the past for designing some of my dolls, but I thought I would start using their inspiration to dye up some of the club fibers this year.

I started with this month.  My Dad is a part time Professor at a college in Holland and he tells me about getting to see the Dutch Master painters.  How he can sit there for hours looking at Art (with a capital A).  I decided to start there.  One of my most beloved Dutch Masters is Vermeer.  His paintings have a quiet sadness to them that draws me in and can hold me there for hours.  The one painting that I love the most is

Girl With a Pearl Earring


Using this painting as an inspiration, I went to my dye pots and after some argument with the dyes on who was in charge, I came up with THIS (linked for those who don’t want to ruin the surprise).  This is my absolute favorite colorway so far.

I had such a great time this month that I think I will continue in this mode for the club fibers.